Overdue Update - Promises of a Bright Future

by - February 03, 2015

So my first attempt at this blog didn’t pan out as I hoped. I got myself busy with a new job and didn’t make the time to blog. It’s been just over a year since I started and I really thought I would have a lot more to show for it then I do. But my saving grace has been that the whole time I’ve been away from blogging I’ve had this niggling in the back of my mind wanting me to return. Trying to think of ideas and posts. Or doing something with the full intention to blog about it and then never getting around to it. I know...it’s terrible. 

But I’m not a quitter. I am a procrastinator through and through but I don’t give up. So this is me…getting back on the proverbial horse. 

I’m partially inspired by my involvement in another blog, herfavfood.blogspot.co.uk. I was so happy when I was invited to be a guest writer. I knew it would be good for me as I’d have deadlines (flexible but still present) and someone holding me accountable. I’ve got my first review up and my second submitted. If any of my lovely readers are still around I’d love it you would go check it out. You can find quick links to my posts on her Guest Writers page

I've got a few things in the works though and hope to get back into a schedule of posting twice a month. And if you have any ideas for content you'd like to see on the blog I'm certainly open to suggestions. I would imagine this would be especially helpful in establishing a new routine.

Also, in case you didn't know - you can still find me on all the various social media sites where I have been active during this hiatus of blogging! In fact Twitter is where I always post my food reviews when they go live so I've you're interested follow me so you'll always know about new posts! I've got three or four events I'm going to in the next two weeks - so there's lots to look forward to!

So this is my apology and promise all in one. Sorry I've been terrible - I know I can do better!

Please tell me I'm not alone. What have you started but gotten sidetracked from in the past? How did you overcome the procrastination? 

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  1. It's tough to keep a blog going! I always get sidetracked when working on projects ... it's hard to maintain motivation. I find one thing that helps a lot when I blog is jotting down ideas for new posts whenever they come to mind ... and usually that's in the strangest places! Looking forward to more posts from you!
